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Título : The cybernetic threat for the security and defense of brazil
Autor : Amaral, Augusto Cesar
Ríos Hudson, Mariana (Traductora)
Palabras clave : Cybernetic threats
Security system
Cybernetic defense
Fecha de publicación : oct-2014
Editorial : Escuela Superior de Guerra Conjunta de las Fuerzas Armadas
Resumen : In the era of Digital Revolution, technology has become a very important factor. However, Internet may be a double- edged sword, as it is sometimes a useful tool and some other times a threat with respect to which institutions controlling security and defense of a nation must be alert. This is why Brazil has decided to implement policies to face a latent cybernetic threat
Descripción : Article
URI : http://cefadigital.edu.ar/handle/1847939/193
ISSN : 1852-8619
Aparece en las colecciones: Revista Visión Conjunta

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