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Título : Siege and fall of Constantinople
Autor : Barreiro, Rubén A.
Ríos Hudson, Mariana (Traductora)
Palabras clave : War history
Byzantine empire
Roman empire
Eastern roman empire
Western roman empire
North of Africa
Gothic war
Battle of Tricamarum
Fecha de publicación : sep-2013
Editorial : Escuela Superior de Guerra Conjunta de las Fuerzas Armadas
Resumen : The Mehmed Turks II were at the entrance of Constantinople, the symbol city of Byzantium and its fall meant the tryumph of Islam over the most persistent and firm defender of Christendom for about 800 years. The fall of Constantinople, after which Mehmed would be called “the Conqueror”, was possible due to the sultan strategic perception. He understood that without the control of the maritime access to the city, little could be done by his powerful troops. Thus, land and navy forces were able to subdue a courageously defended place which, for centuries, had resisted innumerable sieges and blocks.
Descripción : Article
URI : http://cefadigital.edu.ar/handle/1847939/215
ISSN : 1852-8619
Aparece en las colecciones: Revista Visión Conjunta

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