What type of documents may be found in CEFADIGITAL?

How can I search on CEFADIGITAL?

Simple search is made by writing a word of our interest in the search box. If the result is too large, we may add filters, such as: community, author, title, subject, etc. in order to reduce the number of results. Also, it is possible to choose view and order of presentation.


How are resources organized?

Resources are organized in communities and collections. Communities identify institutions that are part of CEFADIGITAL. Collections divide material into different types of documents created by them.


What are the benefits for authors?

The benefits of being author of CEFADIGITAL are the following:


What are CreativeCommons licences?

CreativeCommons is a non- profit organization that offers models of free licenses that allow authors to deposit their work in a free manner in the Internet restricting the use of said works.

CreativeCommons licenses were created to share and reuse works under certain conditions. With CreativeCommons licenses, the author authorizes his/ her work to be used but the work is protected. For more information, please visit