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Título : Martín Garcia’s campaign to Montevideo in 1814. From specific to joint actions
Autor : Tarapow, Marcelo
Ríos Hudson, Mariana (Traductora)
Palabras clave : Viceroyaltu of the Rio de la Plata
Admiral Brown
Navy campaigns
Fecha de publicación : nov-2014
Editorial : Escuela Superior de Guerra Conjunta de las Fuerzas Armadas
Resumen : This article is an analysis of the events that took place in the City of Buenos Aires and Montevideo during the times of the colony and subsequent times, taking into account the strategic importance of land and naval actions that resulted in the fall of Montevideo in 1814. Also, the first steps to joint operations and their effectiveness could be seen.
Descripción : Article
URI : http://cefadigital.edu.ar/handle/1847939/264
ISSN : 1852-8619
Aparece en las colecciones: Revista Visión Conjunta

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