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Título : Too late
Autor : Angelomé, Humberto Flavio
Ríos Hudson, Mariana (Traductora)
Palabras clave : Disasters
Responsible states
Fecha de publicación : ago-2015
Editorial : Escuela Superior de Guerra Conjunta de las Fuerzas Armadas
Citación : Visión Conjunta;Year 7, Nº 12
Resumen : Natural disasters permanently affect a great part of society and are a worldwide concern. Little has been made as to prediction and implementation and, therefore, as stated by the author, there is much improvisation which makes aid arrive too late.
Descripción : Article
URI : http://cefadigital.edu.ar/handle/1847939/778
ISSN : 1852-8619
Aparece en las colecciones: Revista Visión Conjunta

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